Pick-Your-Own Blueberries


Our Practices

Our blueberries are not sprayed with any pesticides. We seek mechanical and cultural methods of controlling pests in our berry patch, instead of chemical.

We rototill the walkways early in the season to control weeds in the patch. In 2022, we experimented with a companion crop to compete with the weeds.
Insect pressure is far more of a challenge in blueberries than weeds. A pest that troubles all berry producers is the fly named Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD). We’ve found some success in controlling this pest by mulching heavily immediately after harvest. The heavy mulch interrupts the fly’s lifecycle and reduces the population in future years.


Picking Season

Blueberries are typically in season from early July through part of August.

Picking Tips

  • When blueberries are perfectly ripe, the berries should fall right off of the bush.

  • We always recommend tying your berry bucket around your waist, so you can use both hands to pick.

  • Put your hands together in a cup shape below a bunch of blueberries. Use your thumbs to lightly brush the ripe ones into your hands.


Priced by the pound. There is no entry fee. You pay only for what you pick.

Pick your own blueberries on your family-run farm in Red Hook, NY

Our Picking Schedule

We grow a variety of pick-your-own fruits and vegetables throughout the season. Take a look at our pick-your-own schedule to plan your next visit!